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I learn two ways: by doing things or writing about things.

When I have more time at my disposal, or if I’m deeply interested in something, I like to learn by doing. And that leads to a lot of “projects”. Here are a few that I dare to highlight:

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Proposals for New EIPs – Future-Proofing EVM as Regulation Matures

09/2023 ->

The EU’s Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation, which came into force in June 2023 implements new requirements for, among others, asset-referenced tokens (ART), electronic money tokens (EMT), and their issuers. To ensure a uniform and smooth transition to this new era while maintaing maximum interoperability, we should aim to standardise how ARTs and EMTs are issued on the blockchain. Hence I introduce two new EIPs.

The first EIP, focusing on ARTs, is titled Proposal for a new EIP: Asset-Referenced Token Standard (Ethereum Magicians ↗) and begins the conversation on a new standardised token type, extending ERC20, to account for ARTs.

The second EIP does the same with a focus on EMTs and is titled Proposal for a new EIP: Electronic Money Token Standard (Ethereum Magicians ↗)

If you have the interest, the skill, or the will-power, please contribute to this initiative. It is vital for EVM ecosystem continuity in a post-MiCAR era.

DumpEX – Unload Your Tokens/NFTs for a Fixed Price and Find Gems in a Dutch Auction

08/04/2023 - 09/04/2023

Some people were asking me where they could sell their tokens & NFTs that were worth nothing.

I created a dual-mechanism DEX: selling tokens or NFTs always happens at a fixed price of 1 wei. You can sell your token to the exchange if you think it is worthless. On the buy side, I implemented a Dutch auction style purchasing mechanism. Should any of the tokens or NFTs sold to the contract ever become valuable again, they could be bought from the exchange at a price determined by a simple Dutch auction.

What’s going on now
DumpEX is up and running. It is an immutable piece of code on a few blockchains. For more information, visit

ZeroSlip - The Most Efficient AMM for Equal Asset Swaps

01/2023 - 02/2023

As I was working on building EUROe, a euro stablecoin and wondering how we could make trading equal (or close to equal) assets more efficient I thought the best solution would be to build a new AMM design, optimised for equal-asset swaps.

ZeroSlip is a novel AMM design optimising for bot & aggregator volume through best in class zero price impact, zero slippage pricing and wild gas optimisation. It is primarily suitable only for equal asset swaps.

Why stop?
Having built the best AMM for the purpose, tested in local environment, and received feedback from peers it was time to not pursue the project forward due to lack of a) time, b) budget to properly review the protocol for security vulnerabilities, and c) potential conflicts of interest.

If you’d like to continue working on ZeroSlip, please get in touch.

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whitepaper ↗
investor memo ↗

CryptoWiki - Wikipedia for Crypto

10/2022 - 08/2023

There was (isn’t?) a good unbiased resource maintained WikiPedia style about deep crypto topics. So why shouldn’t I start one?

The core idea was to provide an open-source, community driven, WikiPedia style site focusing on crypto topics. I threw in some POAPs to “incentivise” participation.

Why stop?
It took way too much time. Had to reallocate. And there wasn’t enough of upside for the profit maximising kind, known as the degens.

World of AI - ImageGen AI via NFTs

08/2022 - 08/2023

As DALL-E started to proliferate for image generation with AI, I decided to make an NFT project out of it. The idea was simple: let anyone generate their own AI piece with a prompt they like by submitting a message on-chain. At this time, there were no free image gen AI tools and you had to buy credits to access DALL-E so theoretically, this could democratise access to image-gen by lowering the barrier to entry.

The idea was to start with a small POC/MVP, known as the WOAI/Zero collection. The tech stack consisted of Solidity, React, Ethers, Python, AWS S3, CloudFront, IPFS, NFT UP, Vercel, OpenAI DALL-E 2, and (obviously) Ethereum. I thought of later expanding to more AI use cases and user profiles, but…

Why stop?
I had a lot of legal uncertainty about offering the sale of these NFTs and about the correct way of collecting VAT and what would be prudent marketing, etc. So as a side project I thought better to shut it down. Fun idea, would’ve loved to expand it but the non-core stuff – everything that took the fun out of it - became slightly too burdensome for me to justify this as a weekend project.

Gib more ↗
etherscan ↗